With Roe v. Wade overturned on June 24th, people across the country have been feeling both incensed and powerless. There are looming fears that this court, with its unchecked power, will continue to ban other contraceptive measures, or even overturn decisions such as Obergefell v. Hodges, and that such a reality is both frightening and perhaps inescapable. Despite the disconnect one may feel between their vote and the will of the Supreme Court, there are ways in which your economic power can change policy and work towards reproductive justice nationwide through supporting local organizations within your state. Through supporting necessary abortion travel, fighting to alter abortion laws on the state level, or distributing contraceptive products and medication, many nonprofits have served as a salient and powerful layer of resistance.
In the coming list, we focus on funds in both Arizona and Texas. In these states, two of the top-five most Latinx states by both percentage and pure population, not only has abortion access been severely restricted, but the Latina community has also been disproportionately affected. Cathy Torres, organizing manager at Frontera Fund, states, “Abortion restrictions are racist. They directly impact people of color who are trying to make ends meet.” As abortions are more prevalent in communities of color, these restrictions, in effect, limit social mobility and personal freedom, serving as another specious example of systemic oppression towards communities of color.
When considering that many Latinas, marginalized and often economically disadvantaged, are more likely to have a difficult time traveling for an abortion or affording to raise an unplanned child, the racially unjust ripples of the abortion ban are intolerable. As a result, below are nine organizations where you can channel your rage towards bending legislation towards the proverbial arc of justice. Each of these organizations needs your support, economic or social activism, to help mend the problem of reproductive inequity.

Elise Miguel for Latina.
1. National Women’s Law Center
The NWLC works to protect reproductive rights in three impactful ways: litigation, policy, and research. For the past 50 years, the role the NWLC has played in legislative victories for women has been unprecedented, namely winning important cases regarding sexual discrimination or helping pass the Affordable Care Act. Your donation will go to an organization that has worked tirelessly to expand and protect women’s rights.
2. National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice
The NLIRJ fights for equity for Latinas in the realm of reproductive health. Not only does this organization relentlessly work towards legalizing abortion across the country, but they also work to shape policies that upend long-held systems of oppression and equitably redistribute reproductive resources to Latinx communities. Beyond the fight for civil liberties, this institute will lead community education programs and ensure reproductive care and justice for underserved immigrant communities.
3. Lilith Fund
The Lilith Fund helps mothers in Texas access abortions. This organization provides financial assistance while also creating vital emotional support systems and community spaces for those seeking abortions throughout the state. Their focus on community is, at this moment, imperative, as they have recently operated as important organizers and movement-builders in the fight for reproductive rights.
4. Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood, the largest nationwide provider of affordable reproductive healthcare and sexual education, is planning to match all donations ($1-for-$1) over the following weeks. Donations to Planned Parenthood will ensure fair access to not only abortions but also birth control, vasectomy, menopausal hormone therapy, and STI testing.
5. Abortion Fund of Arizona
The Abortion Fund of Arizona views abortion as a fundamental human right and thus provides financial assistance to those seeking to get an abortion and is currently fighting for legal access to abortion within the state. Although many of their previous practices are now jeopardized, the fund previously assisted those who needed to miss two vital days of work to get an abortion, providing child care or subsidizing travel costs.
6. Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project
WRRAP is an organization that works to offer financial assistance for those seeking an abortion or emergency contraceptive measures. They work with and directly fund many health clinics and doctors nationwide, even working with Planned Parenthood.
7. The Brigid Alliance
The mission statement of The Brigid Alliance is “we get people to abortion care, whatever it takes.” As a result, this organization helps fund all facets of the abortion process, specifically long-distance travel, lodging, clinic fees, and even child care.
8. Mariposa Fund
The Mariposa Fund works to bring reproductive health justice to undocumented people. Taking into consideration the many obstacles to obtaining an abortion — whether it be the lack of health insurance, economic factors, linguistic differences, or fear of deportation — the Mariposa fund works to combat these forces and provide necessary health care to marginalized individuals.
9. New York Abortion Access Fund
The NYAAF provides financial support to New Yorkers (and those who have traveled to New York) who cannot pay for an abortion. They grant women autonomy over their bodies and futures and help connect people to vital reproductive health resources.